Thursday, April 14, 2022

Pacific Coast Winter Birding

 I love visiting the Pacific coast in the wintertime!  This winter we went to the central and southern Oregon coast, as well as the northern California coast.  It is a wonderful time of year for birding and tide pooling!  

Black Oystercatcher taking a bath.

Western Gull with Sea Star stuffed in its mouth!

Long billed birds

Long Billed Curlew



Marbled Godwit

Grebes and Loons

Horned Grebe

Western Grebe

Pacific Loon

Common Loon


Common Goldeneye

Two American Wigeons and one Eurasian Wigeon (rufous-brown head)

Least Sandpiper

Surf Scoter (there are also Black Scoters and White-winged Scoters this time of year).

Western Meadowlark

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Hermit Thrush

I love harbor Seals!

This is mom falling down on the job, as the baby Harbor Seal rolls off the rocks into the sea.

There are so many varieties of Sea Stars. Low tide is my favorite and the best time to find them.

More images of coastal life

Interesting rock formation found on the beach.

Sometimes you may find a fossil in the shape of a heart, if you look hard enough!

This was only a sample of the many birds you will spot when visiting the Pacific Coast in the wintertime.  Grab your binoculars and camera, and Happy Birding!

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