Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl is one of the most common owls in North America.  It's nocturnal, which means it sleeps during the day and hunts at night.   It mainly diets on birds and rodents, but is fast, aggressive, and can take down prey larger than itself, such as falcons, ospreys, and even other owls.  It has a large deep hooting sound, and many evenings I hear the pair talking back and forth in the woods at our home.   

This guy didn't fly off, but instead just sat
 there while I took the photo.

The hole in this tree could be the nest!

This mom and her owlet I photographed in Nevada, preferred to be sleeping during the day, but kept her sharp eyes open while I was near.  The owlet seemed to like watching me! 

This is a juvenile, and its sibling (below) were both bright eyed
as they peek around the leaves to see me.  (Eastern Oregon)

Juvenile Owl in Eastern Oregon

This juvenile still has quite a bit of its soft white fur!

This owl was spending the daytime in these beautiful Aspen trees in Nevada.  I can't imagine getting much sleep along  the high traffic pathway where he was perched!

This picture was taken at dusk, so it is quite poor.  But what I love, is this juvenile Great Horned Owl sitting on the gable of our shop roof, crying for his mom in a loud screeching sound (which was not anything close to a hoot) but which is typical when they are hungry.  Mom must have been out hunting for food for her young!

This was taken at dusk at my house which was quite a distance away.  I love the massive Yellow Jacket nest on the right of the picture, and the beautiful owl on the left.

I never get tired of searching out, and spotting these magnificent birds.

Happy Birding!

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